Metal Roofing Bids & Quotes: How to Choose the Best Cost For You

Metal Roofing Bids & Quotes: How to Choose the Best Cost For You

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Not all quotes or bids are created equal, so what factors should you looking for to make your final decision? Comment below to have your question answered on a future episode!


After receiving a variety of bids and quotes for your metal roofing project, how do you know which is the best one to choose for your home or building? On today's Q&A Mondays episode, Adam Mazzella and Jeff Hock from Sheffield Metals joins Thad to discuss what should be included in your bid, what it may mean if a bid has an exceptionally low cost, and what it may mean if a bid is higher that you expected.

Topics covered:
►Intro 00:00
►What should you be expecting to see on a bid? 1:29
►What are some red flags when it comes to low bids? 6:10
►What are some reasons a bid might be higher than expected? 9:50

If you're looking for a metal roofing contractor, you want to make sure they are qualified to perform the work. We've put together a free checklist to help you ask the right questions at your next consultation. Download now!

Check out the Metal Roofing Bids & Quotes blog article here:

What's happening to the steel market in 2021?:

Have questions about metal roofing? Comment below to have them answered on camera by industry experts in future episodes of Q&A Mondays!



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By: The Metal Roofing Channel
Title: Metal Roofing Bids & Quotes: How to Choose the Best Cost For You
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